Kind regards, Olaf.
Freitag, 6. Juni 2008
Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008
The final picture (from me)
and seeing the sights. A great end to a fantastic event.
Kind regards, Ed.
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The final push to Newbury
hour to go before the end.
Kind regards, Ed.
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Who needs a road?
forest path to the road - along a track that got thinner and muddier,
and more over grown. Those with slick tyres had a great time.
All was fine, until we found the gate ... thank goodness for light bikes.
Kind regards, Ed.
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Kind regards, Ed.
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Horrid Hill (again)
Kind regards, Ed.
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The Cathedral Gate, Canterbury
down for a long ride ahead.
Kind regards, Ed.
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The bike store for Saturday night
bikes was in the roof garden at the hotel.
Kind regards, Ed.
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Saturday Afternoon - the coast path from Dover
towns round the coast to the north east.
Kind regards, Ed.
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Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008
Fünf Leihwagen...
Montag, 2. Juni 2008
Flieger verpasst
Horizon West in Newbury
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Die Adler sind gelandet.
Coffee in Windsor
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
The Tower of London
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Monday morning start.
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Breakfast in Richmond
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008
Nur noch eine Etappe

Detour to "Horrid Hill"
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Banana break
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Getting ready to leave Canterbury
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.
Good morning

Curry in Canterbury
Kind regards, Ed.
Total Communications Prototyping and Test Centre.